
The Campaign provides high quality methods and materials to help educators implement the Civic Mission of Schools Promising Approaches.
Michelle Herczog, Ed.D, Los Angeles County Office of Education, is the Chair of the Practice Committee.

Our work so far:

  • Electronic Directory of Resources for California Schools. Each resource is reviewed by members of the Practice Committee. Submissions for new resources are invited.
  • Self-Assessment Rubric: A tool to help schools understand, identify and assess needs to implement the Six Promising Approaches to Civic Education.
  • Constitution Day events for educators. These events is designed to integrate the promising approaches in teaching about the Constitution.
  • Superintendents Breakfast Forum. In October 2004, the Los Angeles County Office of Education, in colloboration with the Campaign and the Los Angeles Times, convened a forum for school districts to address the Civic Mission of Schools and identify plans for creating an educated, committed, and responsible citizenry. (Informational Letter. Invitation. Agenda.)
  • Brochure to support Campaign Community Forums. These events are designed to raise awareness about the importance of civic education, the six promising approaches, and how different facets of the community can support the Civic Mission of Schools.


A project of Constitutional Rights Foundation in collaboration with the
Center for Civic Education and the Alliance for Representative Democracy.
This project is made possible by generous grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Skirball Foundation