Educating for Democracy, the California Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools is an effort sponsored by the California Coalition for Civic Renewal, a group of concerned California individuals and organizations seeking to enlist support of education, business, law, veterans, labor, parents, and service groups around the state to promote civic education in California.

In 2011, the Campaign for the Civic Missions of Schools released it's report Guardian of Democracy: The Civic Mission of Schools, this new report provides research-based evidence of the decline in civic learning in American schools and presents six proven practices that should be at the heart of every school's approach to civic learning. Learn more. . .


For more information about the Campaign
recommendations, please click here.


A project of Constitutional Rights Foundation in collaboration with the
Center for Civic Education and the Alliance for Representative Democracy.
This project is made possible by generous grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Skirball Foundation